Top 10: ways to kill time

September 22, 2022 — by Amy Luo
Photo by Leyna Chan
An assortment of activities when there’s nothing better to do
A guide to cure your boredom.
  1. Break a Guinness World Record

Explore the world records list and attempt some for fun! There are many light-hearted ones out there such as fastest time to assemble Mr. Potato Head or most smarties eaten with chopsticks in 60 seconds blindfolded.

  1. Room makeover

Go on Pinterest for room inspiration. You’re in there 99% of the time anyway.

  1. Scrapbook

Ridding the need to shop for supplies, get creative for once with everyday items. Upcycle postcards, tags or books.

  1. Make chocolate-covered strawberries

The contrast in texture and the impeccable mix of different kinds of sweetness. Made in 10 minutes with two self-explanatory ingredients, it’s a no-fail experience … just don’t strive for perfection.

  1. Learn ukulele

A simple instrument, but not quite restrictive with notes. It’s recognizable yet small enough to travel with. Look up a tutorial and spend your time with tunes to your favorite songs. It’s pretty much like playing guitar without spending hundreds of dollars.

  1. Learn sign language

There’s nothing wrong with keeping some ASL up your sleeve. Familiarize yourself with the basics, and it may come in handy one day.

  1. Try weird food combos

From banana grilled cheese to soy sauce drizzled vanilla ice cream, people swear by the foods of seemingly appealing combinations. Dig through your pantry and try some for yourself; you may be surprised.

  1. Paint-by-Numbers

No artistic ability? No problem. Gift yourself a paint-by-number kit! The final product is so satisfying, and you’d be surprised how natural it looks.

  1. Plan a picnic at a park

Brainstorm a list of your favorite drinks and snacks. Gather your prettiest plates, a blanket and perhaps a film camera, and enjoy your time in the great outdoors.

  1. Crochet

From dinosaur plushies to argyle sweaters, the possibilities are endless. This fairly inexpensive, beginner friendly activity can be done as you play music or audiobooks in the background.

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