Winter Ball heads ‘Off to Neverland’ regardless of close proximity to finals

November 15, 2011 — by Allison Toh

Although this year’s Winter Ball, taking place on Dec. 10, is significantly closer to finals week than it has been in years past, the date has yet to be a source of complaint, organizer said.

Although this year’s Winter Ball, taking place on Dec. 10, is significantly closer to finals week than it has been in years past, the date has yet to be a source of complaint, organizer said.

According to ASB club commissioner Sasan Sadaat, the anticipation of going to the dance will hardly hinder the number of people who attend, regardless of finals week being only a couple weeks later.

“Two weeks isn’t too soon, and people will still be excited about going to the dance and asking whoever they want to ask,” Sadaat said. “I don’t think they’ll let something like finals stop them from that.”

Students will revisit childhood memories of Peter Pan at this year’s “Off to Neverland”-themed Winter Ball in the Large Gym.

“We decided on ‘Off to Neverland’ because it reflects the childhood theme that we have going this year,” Sadaat said. “I’m really excited about it because I’m a huge fan of the book. The whole world of Peter Pan is really exciting and diverse.”

According to ASB vice president Izzy Albert, the theme was decided by the ASB in September.

“I honestly don’t remember who came up with [the theme]! We all brainstormed a bunch of ideas and were discussing them at a meeting one day,” Albert said. “The theme we chose wasn’t one of the original ideas, but as soon as someone mentioned it, we all thought it was perfect.”

According to Albert, Winter Ball planning started right after Homecoming ended. Albert is the main organizer of the event.

“It’s definitely really cool to be in charge of formal because I’ve gone for the past three years and it’s been an interesting experience being on the other side of it all,” Albert said.

Bid prices will start at $28 with ASB and $30 without, and continue to rise each week. While there have been some complaints about the expense, most students find the cost reasonable.

“I feel like it’s worth the money,” sophomore Bobby Vithanage said. “From what I hear, the dance is worth it.”

Vithanage, who has never been to Winter Ball before, looks forward to “the food, and the whole first time experience of Winter Ball.”

Like Vithanage, many freshmen also anticipate their first formal attired dance.

“I’ve never been to a formal dance so that will be interesting. I look forward to getting a dress, going with a date and seeing the decorations,” freshman Natalie Miller said. “I like the theme, and [Winter Ball] is different, it’s not like other dances where you just go with your friends.”

According to Albert, last year’s decision to donate some of the Winter Ball proceeds to charity contributed to even higher bid costs as well as a lower attendance.

“Instead of donating some of the money to charity this year, we’re hosting several holiday charity drives through the school such as gifts for teens and one warm coat,” Albert said. “This way, we can have lower bid prices while simultaneously encouraging students to donate items this holiday season.”

Contrary to popular belief, Winter Ball is not just a date dance. Groups are also encouraged to go either with or without dates.

“In fact the majority of the professional pictures [at the dance] taken are of groups rather than couples,” Albert said. “If you don’t have a date, go with some friends!”

Even with the busy schedules, students are looking forward to Winter Ball.

“I’m looking forward to see how people react to the decorations!” Albert said. “I’m really excited to see how everything will turn out and I hope students will enjoy it!”

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