We lived past the apocalypse!

January 24, 2013 — by Catherine Tang and Jonathan Young

We cannot believe the world is going to end on Dec. 21. In the midst of studying for finals, we made time to prepare for the apocalypse.

We cannot believe the world is going to end on Dec. 21. In the midst of studying for finals, we made time to prepare for the apocalypse. We have prepared for everything including natural disasters, alien invasions, meteor strikes and even zombie viruses.

We made a Safeway run and stockpiled large amounts of food and water for our underground bomb shelter. Our underground bomb shelter is complete with bunk beds, bathroom and a kitchen and dining area.

This may seem like hoarding, but it's only hoarding if it is unorganized. Stockpiling will just lead to survival, or so we think. It's all still a little hazy.

In case of alien invasion, we have learned Morse Code. This secret way of communication will be essential in escaping the possible torture of the aliens.

After learning the morse code and going to Safeway, we went to REI and bought gas masks and protective gear. When the zombie viruses land on Earth, we will be better protected than everybody else.

It is December 21, 2012. We climbed into our bomb shelter last night and now we are just waiting for the world to end.

The day, as it turned out, was uneventful. As we hid in the bomb shelter, the anxiety was palpable, but as the 21st passed, it turned out to be one of the most boring days of the year.

Sitting here, clearly alive, the events of Dec. 21, 2012 didn’t happen as the Mayans claimed it would. With an excess of supplies and end-of-the-world experience, the only thing to do now is wait for another apocalypse.

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