Track: Athletes reflect on season

May 24, 2012 — by Jennifer Jin and Sophie Mattson
Although the track team may not have had a lot of success at meets after they moved up to the De Anza league this year, a couple of athletes have kept the team on the radar during CCS. 
Although the track team may not have had a lot of success at meets after they moved up to the De Anza league this year, a couple of athletes have kept the team on the radar during CCS. 
Four athletes, senior jumpers Ailene Nguyen and Michelle Cummins, junior thrower Hannah Johnson and freshman distance runner Steven Sum, qualified for CCS semi-finals on May 19 at Gilroy High School.
Nguyen and Sum qualified for the CCS finals on May 25 in the long jump and the 3200 meters, respectively. Cummins missed qualifying for finals by one place while Johnson missed qualifying by two places.
Nevertheless, Cummins still enjoyed her season.
“Thinking back on my season and the injuries I had,” Cummins said, “I think I did the best that I could, so I’m happy about that.”
Johnson also echoed Cummins’ sentiments.
“Although I didn't advance, I did improve a lot, something that I’m very proud of,” Johnson said. “There were some amazing athletes there, and I was happy to compete with them.”
While the team did not do very well overall during the season, there were a couple of highlights. 
Cummins enjoyed this this track season because she was  able to beat the school record in triple jump, make it to CCS despite her injuries, was able to have a lot of fun with her team,” Cummins said. 
For many seniors, track was an integral part of their lives. 
“I’ve really grown attached to my team, and I’ve loved watching everyone grow as athletes and as people,” Nguyen said. “I’m going to missing being here because it feels like a second home to me.”
However, not only the athletes, but also the coaches look fondly back on this season.
“The senior class is the first class that I have spent all four years with as a track coach,” head coach Archie Ljepava said. “They will always be very special to me.”
Saratoga athletes competed in the CCS finals on May 25 from 4-7 p.m. at Gilroy High School, but due to printing deadlines it is not possible to include the results. 
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