A singer at heart

September 2, 2011 — by Anushree Dugar

Freshman Supriya Khandekar has found her passion: singing. While she attended middle school in Europe for two years, Khandekar participated in the AMIS International Honor Chorus.

Freshman Supriya Khandekar has found her passion: singing. While she attended middle school in Europe for two years, Khandekar participated in the AMIS International Honor Chorus.

“It was an amazing experience since I was singing with people from all over the world,” she said. “It was great to see how our unique voices could be made into a soulful choir.”

At Redwood Middle School she was involved with the Honor Chorus, and she continues to take choir here at Saratoga High.

Khandekar is also interested in singing in school musicals and plans to participate in these drama productions throughout her high school years.

What is your impression of high school so far, and how is it different from your expectations?

“My impression of SHS is that it is a really big school yet it has a very nice community feeling. It is different from my expectations because I didn’t expect so many students to be so welcoming and I didn’t expect there to be so many clubs and activities to be able to participate in.”

What is your least favorite part about Saratoga High School?

“I wish school started 10 or 15 minutes later.”

What is your favorite part about Saratoga High School?

“My favorite part about SHS is block schedule, sleeping in on Wednesdays, and tutorial. Although the classes are longer, block schedule is great because you get more time for your homework. Sleeping in on Wednesdays is great since it gives you a break from the other days. I like tutorial because it is a great time to ask your teachers for help or time to do homework.”

If you could be any animal, which one would it be and why?

“If I could be any animal, I would be a bird so I could fly.”

If you had $1 million, what would you do with it and why?

“If I had a million dollars, I would start a business specializing in music which is a field of my liking, and I would donate the remainder of the money for cancer research.”

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