Simple changes promote healthy lifestyle

April 4, 2012 — by McKenna Galvin

Junior McKenna Galvin

If there’s one type of physical activity that I hate, it’s running. Memories of timed miles and “Super Cardio Days” from middle school haunt my thoughts as I remember the shin splints, aching muscles and burning lungs associated with running for long periods of time.


If there’s one type of physical activity that I hate, it’s running. Memories of timed miles and “Super Cardio Days” from middle school haunt my thoughts as I remember the shin splints, aching muscles and burning lungs associated with running for long periods of time.

When it comes to exercising, I’m the last person to suggest going for a run. Yet for one week, I decided that those 9-minute miles weren’t going to cut it anymore. So for seven days, I committed myself to running one mile per day on either the treadmill or the school track.

Admittedly, this feat isn’t very impressive, especially if you compare me to people in track or cross country. But throughout the week I saw significant improvement, both in my mile times and in the way I felt. I felt more energized after running and could concentrate more on my homework. After one week, my mile time had improved by over a minute.

As the week went by, I built up endurance and became less tired after each run. Often I would turn on the TV while on the treadmill at home to entertain myself while I was running. Eventually, I forgot why I had dreaded running so much before.

In addition to running, I decided to cut out soda and juice from my diet and to just drink water. This simple change not only cut out excess sugar, but also had other benefits. In addition to flushing out toxins from the body, water also increases metabolism.

Though this routine was initially only meant to last a week, there’s no doubt that I will continue to run more and to choose water over soda. Especially since I spend several hours a day on the computer doing homework, even spending an extra half hour a day exercising is a step toward a healthier lifestyle.

Being healthier doesn’t require a personalized workout regimen and an intense diet; even the simplest of changes is better than no attempt at all.

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