Sequels and Prequels: Pixar edition

May 19, 2013 — by Jade Bisht and Lauren Louie

As if there isn’t enough perfection in the world — sit down for this one — Pixar has graced the world with the promise of more sequels, leading to a joyous celebration for all those who love the fantastic animated movies. 

As if there isn’t enough perfection in the world — sit down for this one — Pixar has graced the world with the promise of more sequels, leading to a joyous celebration for all those who love the fantastic animated movies. 
Pixar has recently announced a prequel for “Monsters Inc.” called “Monsters University.” This follows fellow monsters Mike and Sully back in time to their college days. The movie revolves around how the dynamic duo of Mike and Sully came to be. “Monsters University” will be released this year on June 21.
Also just announced, Pixar will be making a sequel, “Finding Dory,” to the popular “Finding Nemo.” The movie will follow the loveable, scatterbrained Dory as she reunites with her family, taking place a year after the original. This sequel will be released in 2015 — a year that will not only be washed away by a fantastic sequel but flooded with tears of joy.
With the news of a sequel for any movie comes a general reaction: “It will never be as great as the first! Don’t ruin it! Put that time into making original movies!” 
Pixar is the perfect exception to this rule, though. Its products have that certain magic that is attached to Disney movies, keeping them realistic. It never stretches too far with mind-boggling plots. It keeps in control how far it should go from the original without sticking too closely to it. 
Its sequels, for the most part, are always flawless in their quality and style and have a perfect measure of simplistic creativity that takes the movie straight to the heart and tears (Let’s forget “Cars 2” ever existed at the moment).
Pixar and Disney, the childhood dream team, take the high expectations of their general audience into consideration and are always able to figure out what kind of components are necessary to make the perfect sequel. 
“Toy Story 3” was by far the best of the trilogy series with its unexpected charm that each new character brought to the screen. Incorporating so many new characters that had no appearance in the previous films could have turned out horribly, but Pixar was able to introduce them effortlessly and handle the situation with fantastic animation. 
However, the news of yet another Pixar sequel can be repetitive for some. Pixar has already brought about two sequels  and a prequel since 2010, including Monsters University, but has released only one original movie. But sequels aren’t just sequels when it comes to this glorious company; sequels are a whole new level of tears for those who are able to appreciate new material from a fantastic group of writers and animators.
Being told that there could be another dramatic and heart-wrenching movie tied to “Finding Nemo” is too much for one to handle without erupting into hysteria. 
Even if there are those who aren’t as hyperactive when it comes to Pixar sequels, there will always be those that recognize their creators’ true talent with crafting flawless additions to their line of award-winning movies. (Again, please forget “Cars 2.”)
Whether picky and judgmental people appreciate Pixar sequels, life will go on. Pixar will continue to make spectacular movies and avid fans will continue to support their masterpieces as they relive their childhoods. In the words of Dory, “Just keep swimming,” and get the tissues ready. 
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