Scheduling conflicts put the ‘bomb’ in Bombay in the Bay

October 28, 2013 — by Jade Bisht
Amid the stressful chaos of tests, projects and homework overwhelming students is the saddening news that the Indian Cultural Awareness Club’s annual Bombay in the Bay (BNB) has been moved two months earlier.
The show will take place on Feb. 15 rather than on its usual weekend at the beginning of April break due to scheduling conflicts regarding the spring musical. Thinking about BNB taking place in less than five months compared to the usual seven is frightening — there are too many unnecessary conflicts to fret about in so little time.
Amid the stressful chaos of tests, projects and homework overwhelming students is the saddening news that the Indian Cultural Awareness Club’s annual Bombay in the Bay (BNB) has been moved two months earlier.
The show will take place on Feb. 15 rather than on its usual weekend at the beginning of April break due to scheduling conflicts regarding the spring musical. Thinking about BNB taking place in less than five months compared to the usual seven is frightening — there are too many unnecessary conflicts to fret about in so little time.
Bombay in the Bay features humorous skits, dances from each grade, singing acts and student performances in various styles of Indian dancing. The show provides too many fun memories and great experiences to pass up and the club has some of the highest numbers of membership in the school.
One conflict resulting from this changed date is that students will have to decide between the Spanish classes’ annual Mexico trip and BNB. Speech and debate also has one of its biggest tournaments in Berkeley on this same weekend. It is unfortunate to make students choose between these events.
The new date also provides for potential disaster during the show. When the show was in April, the officers would make song selections for each performance somewhere between November and January, with practices starting around early February. This was convenient, seeing that first-semester finals were over, and second semester had not kicked into full gear.
However, pushing the date up to mid-February means planning and practicing will have to be moved up significantly earlier. Practices will need to start in November, which may lead to a significant drop in participation. Students will prioritize finals, SAT and college applications over BNB practices; reasonable, yes, but ultimately detrimental to the participation.
The inconvenience of this whole situation is more saddening than anything. Performing alongside your friends to catchy remixes whirls up a world of excitement and energy impossible to recreate. Missing out on this experience is a huge loss — especially for seniors who have participated their other three years. 
This year’s show will be held down by the numerous conflicts it’ll face regarding scheduling problems, but losing the memories will be the biggest consequence for those who won’t be able to participate. There are just too many hilarious and tension-filled moments that come with the stressful preparation months that are oddly necessary in the BNB experience — moments that those of us who have participated don’t want to miss out on.
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