Life tips: Bread can salvage dry cookies!

October 27, 2012 — by Amy Lin and Lauren Louie

Have you ever spent hours upon hours baking delicious homemade cookies but had to throw them away a week later because they were stale? Well, prepare to be amazed, because Reddit has an easy solution for this peril.

Have you ever spent hours upon hours baking delicious homemade cookies but had to throw them away a week later because they were stale? Well, prepare to be amazed, because Reddit has an easy solution for this peril.

After baking cookies, seal them in a container with a slice of bread, which keeps them soft and yummy in time for your next snack. Because the cookies have more sugar than the bread, the cookies absorb the moisture in the bread, keeping the cookies edible while the bread gets stale. After the bread is completely stale, put in a new piece.

Having stale bread may seem revolting, but it is a simple shortcut to saving time and money. Making new cookies every few weeks is unnecessary because a simple piece of bread can go a long way. While this uses up a piece of bread that can easily be bought at the store, it saves your cookies that take at least half an hour to make.

This new way of storing cookies will change your dessert consumption life forever, and there are few downsides to this otherwise helpful tip.

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