French cut at Redwood; possible consequences for Saratoga’s French program

February 1, 2013 — by Samuel Liu and Trung Vandinh

As schools around the nation experience severe budget cuts, Saratoga has not escaped unscathed.

As schools around the nation experience severe budget cuts, Saratoga has not escaped unscathed.

Because of a combination of falling interest and the fiscal situation, Redwood Middle School has cut its French program. The decision was made by site and district staff, with the collaboration of the school board.

According to Redwood’s Spanish and French teacher Markus Puhvel, there were still students signing up for French at Redwood, but because of the lack of funding, something had to be cut.
“This process is never easy,” Puhvel said. “I don't think anybody is happy that French will no longer be offered at Redwood.”

Having spoken with teachers at others schools, Puhvel has found that many French programs around California and the U.S. have also been cut usually for budgetary reasons.

Saratoga High French teacher Laura Lizundia said she was “saddened by this move at Redwood, but there is no chance that Saratoga will cut our program here at the high school level as long as students continue to enroll in French.”

Saratoga’s French program is, according to Lizundia, thriving. French at Saratoga starts at level one, and the highest level is AP.

“I actually think it is beneficial for students to start with level one at the high school level because the transition to the subsequent higher levels is much smoother,” she said.

However, Lizundia still thought that French might be negatively affected.

“It is unfortunate because Redwood pretty much feeds [Saratoga] its more advanced French students,” she said.

Puhvel expressed hope that French might one day return to Redwood.

“This is a sad consequence of the economic reality facing our state and our school district,” Puhvel said. “Hopefully the future will bring some relief from the budget problems of the last few years.”

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