Fall play to be ‘You Can’t Take It with You’

September 18, 2017 — by Jessica Wang

With its premiere in 1936, the three-act Broadway comedy takes place in New York City, focusing on the antics of the three generation Sycamore family, specifically their interactions with the family of youngest daughter Alice Sycamore’s boyfriend, Tony Kirby.

Family gatherings can be the opposite of a good time, especially when family members have their own “special” qualities, as shown in the play “You Can’t Take it With You,” written by George S. Kaufman. This fall, the drama department will also perform its own rendition of the award-winning play.

Auditions for the play were held on Sept. 7-8. The show will be performed on Nov. 11-12 and Nov. 17-18 in the McAfee Center.

Senior Katie Sabel playing the lead role of Alice Sycamore and junior Mateo Morganstern will be Tony Kirby.

With its premiere in 1936, the three-act Broadway comedy takes place in New York City, focusing on the antics of the three generation Sycamore family, specifically their interactions with the family of youngest daughter Alice Sycamore’s boyfriend, Tony Kirby.

“It’s a situational comedy, so it’s not slapstick humor,” drama teacher Sarah Thermond said. “It mainly focuses on the eccentricities of the Sycamores and their relationships with other families.”

The fall play is a non-cut production, and respective male or female characters can be played by any actor or actress so long as they fit the role.

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