Career Day cancelled due to scheduling conflicts

March 9, 2017 — by David Fan

Career day not happening

Scheduling conflicts have made the school cancel its bi-annual Career Day. The school hopes to restart the event next year.

Career Day in the past held three 40-minute sessions, where students could explore future careers by attending talks from professionals.

According to College and Career Center coordinator Bonnie Sheikh, both the AP exam registration, which was from Jan. 30 to Feb. 17, and the Smarter Balance Assessment, which is from March 21 to March 24, were both moved up earlier this year. Typically, Career Day is held in March or April. However, Sheikh said that the moving of the AP exam registration and the SBAC exams were not anticipated a year in advance, which meant that there was no available date to hold a Career Day.

Sheikh said that Career Day is planned to occur next year, since now the school has adjusted to the new bell schedule and earlier testing dates.

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