Music department prepares for pancake breakfast, end of the year

April 26, 2011 — by Anshu Siripurapu

While most students at SHS will be spending the first Sunday in May hastily poring over thick AP prep books, the music department will be enjoying delicious pancakes and performing throughout the morning in the Saratoga Music Booster’s annual Pancake Breakfast, which will take place from 8 a.m. to noon on Sunday, May 1, in the quad.

While most students at SHS will be spending the first Sunday in May hastily poring over thick AP prep books, the music department will be enjoying delicious pancakes and performing throughout the morning in the Saratoga Music Booster’s annual Pancake Breakfast, which will take place from 8 a.m. to noon on Sunday, May 1, in the quad.

“It’s our single biggest fundraising event,” said assistant band director Seth Jones. “We’re hoping for a huge attendance this year since we need the funds to support our programs.”

The performance will feature both Saratoga High and Redwood Middle School music groups along with groups from the elementary district. The Saratoga High Choirs, Symphonic Bands, String Orchestra, Wind Ensemble and Percussion Ensembles will perform along with the Redwood Middle School Jazz Band, Color Guard, Dance Team, Symphonic Band, Griffin Band and Vivace String Orchestra. The elementary school’s beginning band and string groups will also perform.

The pancake breakfast is more than just an enjoyable morning meal; it is one of the biggest fundraisers for the music department. Tickets sell for $10 in advance and $12 at the door. Last year’s breakfast raised nearly $10,000 for the music department.

“Pancake breakfast is a great time for friends and family to get together and enjoy some great food and music,” said junior band member Vikas Nookala. “All the money goes to support our music programs as well.”

In addition to preparing for fundraisers the department is looking towars its end-of-the-year events that will take place shortly after the end of AP testing. The SHS Jazz Bands I and II will have their end of the year concert on May 12, the Symphonic Bands on May 18 and the Orchestras and Wind Ensemble on May 20. The SHS choral groups will have their end -of-the-year concert on May 25.

The department is also in preparation for their annual Memorial Day performance at Madronia Cemetery, which will take place this year on the morning of May 30. SHS bands and choir will perform in the ceremony which also features speakers from the community and Redwood Middle School.

“The Memorial Day performance is the most important performance of the year, in my opinion,” said Jones. “It’s our chance to give back to the community with music.”

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