TV show relation-ships sailing

February 4, 2013 — by Jade Bisht and Amy Lin

For the fans, the best part of a TV show is when two of the characters jump that “friend zone” border, run to each other in that sappy scene where they stare into each other’s eyes and realize they love each other. Predictable, maybe, but absolutely necessary.

For the fans, the best part of a TV show is when two of the characters jump that “friend zone” border, run to each other in that sappy scene where they stare into each other’s eyes and realize they love each other. Predictable, maybe, but absolutely necessary.

As artificial as everyone knows the media is, we can’t help feeling that without these mini, unreal romances, the shows would spiral downward and fans wouldn’t have something to look forward to throughout the season. Anticipating that lovey-dovey moment in which the characters confess their love and the viewers at home squeal into pillows is what excites us most. The other plots and subplots seem like time fillers in some shows.

As soon as we start a new show, we mentally pair people together. It doesn’t matter if they are completely mismatched (Penny and Leonard from “The Big Bang Theory”) or if they’re on the opposite sides of good and bad (Emma and Hook from “Once Upon a Time”). In our minds, as long as they are in any way compatible, they’re meant to be and we can’t stop worrying about the show until they are “officially” together.

Some fans see their favorite pairing as their one true pairing; the pairing they will forever support, or “ship,” as long as the series goes. This fandom jargon is usually seen on Tumblr where fans of the shows bond over hilarious gifs, which are animated images, and sentimental moments.

Additionally, Tumblr is a great place for fans to meet each other. When users post pictures or entries, they can tag their posts and allow other people to find them by “tracking tags” like “Swarkles” for Barney and Robin from “How I Met Your Mother” and “Finchel” for Finn and Rachel from “Glee.”

These “shipping names” are made by combining the names of both in an attempt for something that sounds absolutely fantastic. After each episode, we can find people crying about their feelings and chatting about what they thought on these tags.

Sometimes the unexpected relationships hit home and you find yourself crying as Pam hugs Michael Scott goodbye during his last episode of “The Office.” As sad and occasionally shameful it is to cry during a 23-minute show, it’s hard holding back the tears when those heart-crushing moments come on and you just can’t change the channel.

As more TV shows come out each year, we find ourselves getting attached to the new couples, just as much as our original favorites. Even finding old TV show couples, like Ross and Rachel in “Friends” is refreshing. No matter when or what show, TV romances will always be the most interesting part for us.

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