Students watch ‘Macario’ at Mexican Heritage Plaza

October 28, 2013 — by Rohan Hardikar and Arman Vaziri

The spanish 4 and 5 classes went to see a play called "Macario" about a poor Mexican woodcutter.

Upper level Spanish classes gained a better knowledge of Mexican culture when they took a mid-day field trip to the Mexican Heritage Plaza in San Jose on Oct. 18 to watch a theater performance of “Macario,” based on a novel about a poor woodcutter and his struggles. 
The trip was only available to all 140 students from Spanish 4, 5 and 6, who are already learning about the Latino culture and its influence on the world. Spanish 4 and 5 students watched a film adaptation of “Macario” just weeks before going on the trip, so they already had an idea of what to expect.
“You get a different feel about the Mexican culture by actually seeing things first hand,” senior Sachi Verma said.
Senior Manini Desai also believes that the play was beneficial to understanding the culture.
“In class we are always discussing the stronger familial aspect of Mexican communities, and this was apparent in the show,” Desai said. “I thought that the play was far more lively than the movie for the music and dancing, and that was better for understanding the culture we are learning in class than the movie.”
In each upper-level Spanish class, students also learn about other cultural aspects of Latino society such as food, traditions and clothes, but by watching “Macario,” the students were also able to witness aspects of Mexican entertainment and drama.
“I thought it was a good exposure to Mexican theater, and I enjoyed seeing the difference between Mexican and American theater,” Desai said. “I found that this production was more intimate than other American shows I've seen because it was a mix of classes in the show that came together to celebrate their culture.”
Other elements of the show appealed to students.
“[The play showed] me how different elements of literature and oration could come together to form a great work,” said senior Alvin Huang. “It was a great way to look into Hispanic culture and Hispanic drama.”    
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