Parking lot entrances leveled out

March 9, 2014 — by Arjun Ramanathan and Jonathan Young

Drivers who had previously had the bottom of their cars scraped when exiting the front parking lot got good news following February break: The problem has been fixed.


Drivers who had previously had the bottom of their cars scraped when exiting the front parking lot got good news following February break: The problem has been fixed.

During break, construction workers flattened out these entrances to make them closer to the Herriman Avenue level, which prevents much of this scraping and results in happier students, parents and teachers.

“When we were making renovations to the parking lot for the Sports Plaza, we had to make sure it was safe while construction was happening,” principal Paul Robinson said. “The construction crew detected the problem and dug out the asphalt, leveling it over to match the incline of Herriman.”

Added Robinson: “We know that having construction fences up and fewer parking spaces is an inconvenience for our students, parents and staff. Doing something to make it safer when you enter and exit the remaining spots was something we felt that we should do.”



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