Cafeteria price increases

September 26, 2012 — by Amy Jan
As prices for groceries have risen, the cafeteria has been forced to increase its prices on items like cookies and meals in an effort to break even. 
As prices for groceries have risen, the cafeteria has been forced to increase its prices on items like cookies and meals in an effort to break even. 
“We just aren’t making money,” cafeteria worker Diane Ray said. “The groceries are all going up, but we’re keeping the prices as low as we can.”
The school does its best to keep the prices low, but the sales have been tough for the cafeteria. Manager Pam Carlino works with the district to determine prices. 
Carlino said this year was the first time in 10 years cookie prices have increased to $1.50 from $1.25. The cafeteria also increased its prices on the Izzies, juices and Gatorades, snacks, wraps and sandwiches.
Sophomore Christina Crolla has noticed the increase in prices.
“I eat on campus three days a week and the best thing is probably the pizza on the stands,” Crolla said. “I’ve noticed the increase in food prices and there are some things I don’t buy anymore.”
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