The Student News Site of Saratoga High School

The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

The Saratoga Falcon

Please bring back ketchup packets in the cafeteria

Leyna Chan
The fight for the bottle never ends.

As I stumble into the cafeteria after surviving my second-period AP Chemistry class with three hours of sleep with an assist from a Bang energy drink, I enter looking for one thing and one thing only. My free breakfast burrito with a side of delicious ketchup — one great thing the state of California has done for us.

Considering the time it takes to make breakfast at home in the morning is also the time I could use to sleep in an extra 10 minutes, I consistently choose the latter and end up starving by the end of class. Will I change this bad habit? Probably not. 

Plus, these burritos are the perfect morning meal; with the salty eggs and bacon and an absolutely necessary side of ketchup to balance the taste, I always look forward to eating them.

However, one day as I was reaching for a ketchup packet in the cafeteria, I realized they were gone. One day they lay resting on the cart piled up high for everyone to grab and next … nothing.

The day the ketchup packets disappeared and the ketchup bottle entered was the day these magical burritos lost their sparkle. If I could ask for one thing that would help me get through the school day, it would be the reintroduction of ketchup packets in the cafeteria.

Do you REALLY expect me to search around for the one plastic bottle during my precious 15-minute break just for it to get swiped up again by some other ketchup-loving breakfast burrito eater? ABSOLUTELY NOT. The crowd of people swarming around the one massive bottle makes it virtually impossible to get near it. At that point, just forget it.

I want my ketchup packets back where they used to be, shining high on a pile in the cafeteria cart.

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