As the robots drove around the center of the Saratoga Library community room on Jan. 5, children watched in awe.
The M-SET Jellyfish presented their robot to people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to see it, along with information about FIRST programs.
“The purpose of the outreach event was to let people in the local area learn more about us, and more importantly, to join FIRST,” said sophomore Gen Tamada.
The members of Jellyfish took on various roles to keep the event running smoothly.
“I was at the front of the library, giving people sheets and directing them to this event because they might not have known that it was happening,” said Tamada. “A lot of people actually took the sheets and went to the event, so that was pretty cool.”
This was one of multiple outreach events that M-SET holds over the course of the year to raise awareness about the club and STEM as a whole.
“Outreach is important because we want to invite more people with talent to join the STEAM community, so they can do what they want to within engineering,” Tamada explained.