The Spirit Commission — consisting of juniors Emerson Pak and Lucie Le Toquin along with seniors Annalyn Bui and Zineerah Ahmed — organized the annual Trunk or Treat event which was held on Oct. 28 from 5-7 p.m.. Students, staff and Saratoga families decorated their cars with Halloween decorations and gave candy to trick-or-treaters in the school parking lot. At the event, College and Career Center advisor Brad Ward won a gift card for having the most spirited vehicle.

Juniors Rani Khanna (witch), Grace Liu, Shaan Janardhan (dinosaur) and Natalie Zaragoza (Dora the Explorer) hold up postcards advertising solar-powered flashlights in a collaboration with the school’s Green Team.

Senior Ethan Canahuati wearing an “I am Ken-ough” hoodie.

Freshman Anson Hulme (Igor from Tyler, The Creator’s album), junior Emily Rich (cowgirl), seniors Scotty Rich, Josh Ta and Emily Ta (princesses) stand in front of their decorated car.
All above visuals courtesy of Rylee Stanton
Spirited for Halloween, students and staff members came to school dressed up in individual, partner or group costumes on Oct. 31. Many also chose to participate in the Halloween Costume Contest during lunch, where contestants walked down the quad steps along a red carpet to showcase their costumes.

From left to right, seniors Victoria Hu, Amaris Charton, Hannah Munson, Margaret Laver, Masha Novoselova, Esabella Fung and Adeena Kadire dress as a rainbow of fairies from the “Rainbow Magic” children’s book series.

From left to right, juniors Kavya Reddy (Mad Hatter), Shreya Raghuvanshi (White Bunny), Kinnera Potluri (Alice), Arshia Desarkar (Cheshire Cat) and Meha Sekaran (Queen of Hearts) dress as the characters from “Alice in Wonderland.”

Left photo: Sophomores Ava Cai (left) and Jena Lew (right) dress up as a cowgirl and a fairy respectively.
Right photo: Freshman Maddie Guichard (left) and senior Elsa Fang (right) dress up as characters from the video game Genshin Impact.

Twins junior Emma Fung (left) and junior Vera Fung (right) dress up as Mario and Luigi from Mario Kart.

Sophomores Linda Shi (left) as San Lang from the Chinese anime Heaven Official’s Blessing and Aries Shi (right) as a black cat.
Assistant principal Matt Torrens and junior Aisha Miller walk down the carpet together.
Freshmen Morgan Li, Sia Chowdhri and Jacqueline Chico dress up in matching costumes as characters from Winnie the Pooh.
Senior Rishab Melkote strikes a pose in front of the quad steps.
All above photos and videos by Kathy Wang