On Sept. 5, 1989, the Los Gatos-Saratoga High School District board of trustees passed a ruling that banned smoking anywhere on campus. The resolution stated that faculty and students would no longer allowed to smoke on the campus before, during or after school.
Similarly, the board prohibited smoking at football games (and all other sporting events on campus), parents’ night, adult education night classes, and Tuesday night bingo.
The banning of smoking during the Music Boosters’ Tuesday night bingo, where about 75 percent of participants reportedly smoked, sparked intense debates about the new policy. Although the board was standing on the side of health and education, the weekly bingo was a major fundraiser for the music program, paying for competitions, music, instruments and scholarships.
From the archives: The Falcon looks back on the school’s first 60 years
Leo Cao
August 30, 2019