They are one step closer to success.
Three of the top seven runners on the boys’ cross country team raced at the 5K Clovis Invitational in Fresno on Oct. 11. This was their only chance to become familiar with the state meet course before the actual race on Nov. 29.
Senior co-captain Alan Menezes led the group, placing 139th overall out of over 1,300 racers. Among the 11 CCS teams that attended, Menezes placed 12th with a time of 16:24, boding well for CCS finals when the top 10 runners go to the state championships. Senior co-captain
Kian Banks also ran well, finishing in 16:44, and junior Kyle Borch crossed the finish line at 17:53.
The other four members of the varsity team were not able to compete due to various injuries and previous commitments. Freshman Harry Curtis recently injured his Achilles tendon and junior Nick Olsen is recovering from a torn IT band and should be able to run in the coming weeks.
“Everyone is starting to get healthy again so our chances of making state are getting better,” said Banks.
Sophomore Kyle Fukui also missed the race because he was participating in the marching band competition at Cupertino High.
Menezes and Banks finished first and second on Oct. 2, with times of 16:17 and 16:40, respectively, in the senior race at the SCVAL Crystal Springs meet, a hilly, dusty, 2.95-mile course. Neither Borch nor Olsen raced due to injuries, but sophomore Kyle Fukui finished fifth in the sophomore race in 17:35. Curtis ran strong to 12th place in the freshman race with a time of 18:37.
Six runners attended the prestigious Stanford Invitational on Sept. 27. Menezes placed 15th in the Division III Varsity Boys’ race, followed by Banks in 25th. Also racing were Fukui, Curtis, Chan and sophomore Wesley Tai.
The boys also raced at a SCVAL meet at Crystal Springs yesterday, but due to publication deadlines The Falcon could not print the results. Upcoming meets include league finals on Nov. 4.