William Norwood
Senior Nick Okada delivering the Senior class fundraiser cookies.
The Crumbl menu is boring, with similar tasting cookies seeming to consist of only two things: butter and a lot (and I mean a lot) of sugar. The rotating menu often shares some similarities week to week, and even if the cookies have different names, they simply taste the same.
Additionally, the calorie content in the cookies is insane. The standard chocolate chip cookie has 730 calories in it. The average number of calories per cookie during the week of Jan. 13 was 785 per cookie. This crazy number of calories and an average of 55 grams of sugar per cookie that week exceeds the daily recommended sugar intake by 150%.
Next time you are looking for a dessert, consider looking for another option. And, if you are going to intake that much sugar, at least eat something that tastes like more than sugar.