Minsui Tang
You can’t change the minds of the school’s most prolific journalists (looks directly at P3)
“The inheritance tax should be 100%”
Currently, an inheritor can pay from 4% to 40% of the wealth they inherit, depending on their relationship to the deceased. This Falcon staffer believes that inheriting money should become illegal, I guess.
“Democrats should cut spending on social programs”
Is this person related to Kevin McCarthy? They have to know each other.
“AP Statistics is a humanities class”
Though not political, this take was so shocking that it caused our very own backpage editor to burst into tears.
“Democrats and Republicans are way too similar for Americans to be this polarized”
Whether you vote red or blue, at the end of the day, we all bleed American (ca caww!).
“Boo Kamala Harris”
Not saying I agree or disagree, but I do have to point out that her singing leaves a lot to be desired.
“British politics is much better than American politics.”
Thank you for this electrifying opinion that has really changed not only my worldview but also my accent.
“Ban non-electric cars”
I strongly disagree with this as the worst drivers I’ve ever seen in my life have been Tesla drivers. Perhaps we should ban them.
“We are living in the matrix”
I’m willing to accept this as reality if it means I don’t have to do 15 pages of AP U.S. History homework nightly anymore.
“Our Editors-in-Chief should fight Seth Rogen”
If Jake Paul can fight Tommy Fury, then one of our talented EICs should be allowed to fight Seth Rogen. The winner becomes president.
“Lower the voting age to 16”
In the words of a Falcon reporter: “Politicians and citizens should always look for ways to bolster the representative democratic process of the U.S. Giving 16- and 17-year-olds voting rights will do just that.” But when you look at this list, should Falcon reporters really be voting?