In recent weeks, “The Bachelorette” star Hannah Brown and runner-up Tyler Cameron have been posting TikToks of them hanging out with six other people, dancing side-by-side. Not only does their behavior go against public health guidelines for preventing COVID-19, but it also creates the false impression that it’s OK to do so.
Every day, news outlets publish articles about how COVID-19 is affecting an ever-increasing number of people. With hospitals becoming overcrowded with patients, social distancing and staying at home has become especially important. While stuck at home, many celebrities have been a lot more active on social media, posting about their daily lives in quarantine.
Through social media, celebrities can greatly influence their fans and followers through what they post and say, making it critical that they present themselves to be good role models and not to encourage bad behaviors. Unfortunately, many celebrities continue to ignore state regulations and set a poor example for their fans.
Of course, most celebrities are following state orders, staying at home and not gathering in large crowds. Many have even been posting motivational messages and encouraging fans to stay inside to help flatten the curve.
Singer and rapper Lizzo hosted a 30-minute meditation session on her Instagram on March 14, where she played the flute to help people cope with their fears and anxiety about the situation.
“I wanted to empower everybody and I wanted to let you guys know that we have power. You have power. You have the power to eliminate fear,” Lizzo said.
Similarly, singer-songwriter Miley Cyrus started her own “Bright Minded” talk show on Instagram, where she interviews celebrity guests to “discuss how to stay LIT in dark times,” according to her Instagram biography. Guests such as Demi Lovato and doctor Daniel Amen have been on the show to discuss topics such as the pros and cons of social media and what they are doing at home to stay busy.
Others, including Ryan Renolds and Blake Lively, have donated $1 million to charities like Feeding America and Food Banks Canada, according to CBS news. Still others have set up fundraisers, like actress Emilie Clark, who has offered a chance to win a virtual dinner date with her in exchange for donations.
However, some celebrities have downplayed the importance of COVID-19 and have not been following social distancing guidelines. Actress Evangeline Lily was criticized after posting on Instagram that she was still sending her daughter to gymnastics class because she values “freedom over life.”
The Clubhouse, a newly created content house for popular creators on the social media app TikTok to make videos at, was also criticized for gathering in large groups and not following the shelter-in-place orders. Many members have posted videos of them doing dances with their friends, and standing very close to each other.
This behavior set by these celebrities and influencers has downplayed the seriousness of the virus. Because these celebrities have such a large impact on a wide audience, they have a responsibility to set an example to their followers. The Clubhouse TikTok account has almost a million followers, and Daisy Keech, the co-founder of the clubhouse, posts videos for over 4 million fans. When fans see these celebrities not following social distancing orders, many of them will believe that it is OK to hang out with their friends too.
It is important to do research and call out celebrities when they are doing something wrong so that others can learn from it. If we all take responsibility and work together to distance ourselves and take the necessary precautions, it will be a lot easier to control this pandemic.