Last updated 11:20:19 a.m. on Sunday, Aug. 23
District Board announces school closure for the remaining 2019-2020 school year
On the evening of Wednesday, April 1, the Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District officially announced school closure for the remaining 2019-2020 school year. The closure affects all public schools in the Santa Clara County and came after recommendations from the State of California, the Santa Clara County Public Health Department and the Santa Clara County Office of Education. In a district-wide email, Jane Marashiran, assistant to the superintendent, noted that the District Board is, "extremely proud of the 'can-do' spirit, collaboration, and perseverance exhibited by staff, students, and community in these challenging times."
Distance learning alternatives will continue for the rest of the remaining school year. The "shelter-in-place" policy will remain in effect until further notice.
This page will be updated regularly with new information from the CDC, the Santa Clara Public Health Department and the Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District. For further COVID-19 coverage, refer to https://www.saratogafalcon.org/news.
Coronavirus at a glance
Confirmed cases in Saratoga: 73 (https://www.sccgov.org/sites/phd/DiseaseInformation/novel-coronavirus/Pages/dashboard.aspx#cases)
Confirmed cases in Santa Clara County: 15,688
Confirmed deaths in Santa Clara County: 224
Confirmed cases in California: 665,664
New cases in last 7 days: 43,344
Confirmed deaths in California: 12,141
Confirmed cases nationwide: 5,683,530
Confirmed deaths nationwide: 176,579
Activity and event cancellations through the end of the school year (A full calendar of now-cancelled events can be found here: https://www.saratogahigh.org/school_info/school_calendar).
Spring Fling: April 1-3
USA(J)MO Math Competition: April 15-16
Junior Prom: April 18
Speech and Debate States: April 24-26
SMB Pancake breakfast: May 3
Lip Dub: May 20
Junior Awards Event: May 20
Band Year End Concert: May 20
Jazz Year End Concert: May 27
Choir Year End Concert: May 29
Senior Awards Night: June 1
Senior Beach Day: June 2
Graduation: June 4
Activity and event postponements or modifications
WASC accreditation visitation: rescheduled for next fall
Synopsys Science Fair: virtual, March 12
Speech and Debate Tournament of Champions: virtual, April 18
Dance Team Nationals: postponed [date TBD]
COVID-19 specifics
After COVID-19 exposure, the following symptoms may appear within two to 14 days — a fever, persistent cough and shortness of breath. If students come to school with any of these symptoms, they will be sent home.
At risk groups include older adults and individuals with preexisting medical conditions (heart disease, diabetes, lung disease and a compromised immune system), according to the CDC. Should students feel the need to self-quarantine, students need to contact the school and their teachers about distance learning alternatives; students will still be expected to make up all missed assignments and assessments in a timely fashion.
If there are any questions or concerns, the school can be contacted at (408) 867-3411. If you are aware of more cancellations not on this list, please contact Allison Hartley, Kaitlyn Tsai, Manasi Garg and Rohan Kumar at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected].