Bollywood 411

April 3, 2013 — by Jane Park

Producing over 1000 movies per year, Bollywood is the largest film producer in India.

Producing over 1000 movies per year, Bollywood is the largest film producer in India. According to Hollywood Reporter, in 2012 the film industry earned revenues of $1.86 billion. Based in Mumbai, formerly known as Bombay, Bollywood is well known for its choreographed dancing and musical numbers. In a traditional Bollywood film, the dances use classical Indian dancing while incorporating western dancing for a modern feeling. Song and dance routines usually shift through multiple scenes, locations, and costumes. The songs and dance generally represent the plot. There are many scenes where the men and women first start off dancing separately in a musical number. Despite the number of actors and actresses in a Bollywood movie, only few are considered famous and recognized as successful. Many times there are leading roles, one female and one male, each leading their own group. Although not all Bollywood movies are entirely based off of a romantic theme, there is always a romance between the leading characters. With interesting plots and energetic dances, Bollywood movies have become popular all around the world. 
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