ABC’s “Quantico,” one of TV’s hit shows, features Bollywood star Priyanka Chopra as Alex Parrish, a promising FBI recruit who becomes a prime suspect after a terrorist attack on Grand Central.
Season One follows her as she fights to protect her name and her freedom. Plot twists and constant surprises give “Quantico” a unique allure that keeps viewers obsessed. Season Two airs Sundays at 10 p.m.
A similar FBI show that is often overlooked but offers the same thrills is USA Network’s “White Collar.” Neal Caffrey, a con artist, forger and thief, is captured by FBI agent Peter Burke. Caffrey proposes a highly unconventional arrangement in which Caffrey helps Burke apprehend dangerous white-collar criminals.
The duo will soon become your all-time favorite bromance, and as the show progresses, Caffrey’s sarcasm seeps more and more into Burke’s personality, resulting in seven hilarious, emotional and captivating seasons (which are all on Netflix for you to binge-watch).