Progress on the Measure E facilities renovation bond is continuing as different parts of the campus continue are seeing upgrades.
Besides the turfing of the upper field and the softball field, which is close to completion, principal Paul Robinson said work is under way in several other areas:
Workers are currently resealing the gym roof to prevent any leaks during the upcoming rainy season.
New portable buildings located in the side parking lot now house the CASSY, ASSIST and TLC rooms.
The tech staff is adding more routers, access points and more fiber optics to increase the WiFi bandwidth and access, as well as working on getting more technology implemented in classrooms.
The large empty space outside the main office is space designated for a new music building, which is scheduled to begin construction in early 2016 and finish by late 2017. The new building will be large enough to allow all music classes to be held in one building.
Robinson estimated that all the renovations planned by Measure E will be completed in about three years. However, even though the completion is still years away, Robinson said that “[the changes are] all very exciting to see happen.”