The school hosted a virtual electives night on Jan. 31 for incoming ninth grade families, featuring parent boosters, extracurricular/co-curricular activities, athletic presentations and elective informational sessions. After a two-part welcome session, incoming families had a chance to participate in five 10-minute elective sessions, where students and teachers answered questions related to their respective programs.
Media Arts Program leadership creative director junior Samika Agrawal looked forward to talking about the interactive learning in MAP classrooms, from debates and trials to group projects and stations.
“A lot of people believe that it’s extra work, but it’s a lot more fun than it sounds.” Agrawal said. “I was excited to talk to parents and students and advocate for MAP.”
In the main session, a Zoom-bombing incident occurred in which inappropriate chat messages were sent by multiple people, but administrators quickly resolved the situation; according to assistant principal Matt Torrens, there were five separate instances of Zoom bombing during the event.
Overall, turnout for this electives night was comparable to last year’s virtual electives night, said Torrens, with a total of 120-140 families joining the general session.
Recordings of various elective sessions are currently available for families who missed the event.