After eight hours of virtual school, all I want to do is curl up in my bed and wallow in my misery. Instead, I’m forced to zoom through my homework at lightspeed in hopes of finishing Kami annotations due at 3:30 p.m. the same day. Since I know those 45 minutes after school aren’t sufficient for finishing all my homework, I can’t crash out on my bed for the 20-minute breaks between periods. Instead of eating or stretching, I’m glued to my chair, frantically scribbling away in the margins of an article about the American Revolution.
Even during a normal school year, work would never be due before the next class period, so why is more homework being assigned now when Zoom fatigues me more than a normal school day ever would?
Teachers have to start assigning homework due the next period like normal, or my mental breakdowns might become much more frequent.